Prospective SRJC Instructors


Program HighlightsProspective SRJC Instructors

  • SRJC is a member of the Northern California Study Abroad Consortium, a four-district alliance consisting of Sonoma County, Los Rios, Contra Costa, and San Mateo districts.
  • Usually about 20-30 students from each college and one instructor from each college are sent abroad.
  • The Consortium signs contracts, usually with the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS), who make all of the travel and field trip arrangements. They also provide 24 hour a day, 7 days a week emergency contact service.
  • A typical teaching assignment for full-time faculty is four classes, or about 12 units; however, full-time faculty members are compensated for a 100% load for the semester abroad.
  • SRJC faculty members serve as the instructor of record for SRJC students enrolled in the Life and Culture class; however, this class is usually taught as a combination of guest lecturers and field trips.
  • Adjunct faculty members are eligible for the summer programs.

SRJC Faculty Benefits

  • Live and teach abroad for 12 weeks (3 to 6 weeks during the summer). Travel on your own before or after the session.
  • Faculty members are paid their usual salary for 100% load.
  • Airfare is paid by AIFS.

  • Faculty are provided with a maximum $3,500* housing stipend and assistance in acquiring appropriate accommodation.
  • Faculty must pay all other costs, such as food, entertainment, and housing costs in excess of the housing stipend.
  • Full participation in all activities scheduled on the itinerary, on the same basis as the students, including transfers, entrances, sightseeing tours, etc.
  • Access to a shared office with computers and internet access.
  • Museum pass.
       * Dollar amounts may vary depending on student enrollment and AIFS contract


The Study Abroad Committee is now accepting applications and proposals for summer 2026.. The deadline to apply is Monday, April 7, 2025 at 12:00 noon.  The committee will interview candidates at our meeting on the morning of Friday, April 18, 2025.

You are required to propose a destination. We will not accept proposals for London, Barcelona or Florence—our semester-length destinations. UK destinations are discouraged this round. Non-European destinations will be given full consideration.

 Associate faculty are eligible to apply if they partner with a regular contract faculty member. Tenure track faculty currently in year 3 or 4 will need the approval of their tenure team.

 If you are a faculty member interested in applying to teach abroad during the summer 2026 term, please fill out the attached application thoroughly, and email with all approvals to Dean Kerry Loewen by the deadline of Monday, April 7 at noon. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Approvals from both your Chair and your Dean are required as part of this process and those must be provided by the timeline. We will accept applications from all disciplines – please check the attached document for details. Please note that it is acceptable to forward Chair/Dean approvals to Kerry Loewen separately as long as they arrive before the deadline.

Applicants should reserve time on the morning of Friday, April 18, 2025 in case they are chosen to interview with the Study Abroad Committee.

 Please contact Dean Kerry Loewen ( if you have any questions or need clarification on the application or the process.

Click here for the application.



1. What is the SRJC Study Abroad Program?
SRJC's Study Abroad Program is an opportunity for students and faculty to study, teach, and live abroad during the summer or academic school year. SRJC partners with the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) and the Northern California Study Abroad Consortium, which includes SRJC and the Contra Costa, Los Rios, and San Mateo Community College Districts. 

2. Is teaching Study Abroad open to both regular and part-time faculty?
Only regular faculty may participate in the semester-length Study Abroad programs. Adjunct faculty may apply for the summer programs only but must teach jointly with a full time instructor.

3. What is the upcoming Study Abroad calendar?
The SRJC Study Abroad program is as follows:

  • Fall 2024 – London, England (with Anne Belden)
  • Spring 2025 – Florence, Italy (with Brian Antonson)
  • Summer 2025 - Cusco, Peru (with Laura Larqué and Noelina Gómez)
  • Fall 2025 - Barcelona, Spain (with Danielle King)
  • Spring 2026 - Florence, Italy (with Laura Sparks)

4. How do I apply?
For semester-length programs: The Study Abroad Committee announces the application process for the semester-length programs approximately two years in advance of departure. Applications are sent out as a general announcement email to all faculty, and can also be found at the Faculty Application link directly above this FAQs section. Applicants are expected to adapt his/her application, curricula, and choice of courses to the specific study abroad locations applied for (e.g. London and/or Florence). Applicants may apply, and in fact, are encouraged to apply for more than one location and semester. Applications for the Spring 2024 program is above.

Applications are screened by the Study Abroad Committee. Based on the success of their applications, some faculty will be asked to interview with members of the committee. From these candidates, two faculty members are recommended to the Consortium for each semester abroad, and the Study Abroad Deans from all four colleges meet to finalize the program choices. Ultimately, only one SRJC faculty member is selected per semester abroad.

5. What does a good application look like?
Applicants should explicitly state how their proposed courses and lesson plans will capitalize upon the opportunities of the study abroad location, make use of local resources, and be enhanced specifically by that location. Please attach a modified course description incorporating these ideas for each course you propose to teach (limit of 125 words). Applicants should demonstrate enthusiasm for the study abroad program, and maintain realistic expectations as far what can and cannot be accomplished in one semester, student behavior, the faculty role in the international setting, etc. Specifically consider the following:

  • Tailor your proposal to indicate how your proposed lesson plans adapt especially well to the specific location. What is the value added to the student for taking these classes in Paris or Ireland as opposed to locally?
  • Classes selected must be able to recruit students, and offer them a variety of options so they can put together a full schedule of transferable classes during their semester abroad. If you are proposing a summer program, make sure the proposed destination and courses are attractive to students, safe, and logistically doable without too much expense.
  • Demonstrate the willingness and ability to actively recruit students for the program, and include any innovative or unique ideas for recruitment.

6. How many classes will I be expected to teach?
Faculty teach three discipline-specific courses and an inter-disciplinary Life and Culture course, for a total of 80 percent load during the semester abroad. The remaining 20 percent is fulfilled the semester before teaching abroad, during which time the instructor is responsible for recruiting students into the program. Faculty are expected to arrange recruitment meetings in conjunction with the Study Abroad office and utilize other recruitment tools (e.g., Facebook, classroom visits) to build enrollment in the program. (Please see information on How to Recruit Students.)

7. Can faculty in all academic disciplines apply?
Yes. Faculty from all academic disciplines may apply, although faculty should note that science labs and studio facilities currently are not available while teaching abroad in our semester-length programs.

8. How do I know if I meet minimum qualifications to teach courses in another discipline?
Please refer to the Statewide Academic Senate website containing the current list of minimum qualifications for faculty at community colleges, listed by discipline:

In addition, please check with the relevant department to inquire about equivalency and required expertise if you do not meet the stated minimum qualifications exactly as written.

9. Will I get paid?
Faculty are paid for a full semester load.

10. How many students generally enroll?
While enrollments vary from college to college and from semester to semester, the average class size is between 25 and 35 students.

11. Do I need to speak the language if traveling to a non-English speaking country?
Although it is helpful for faculty to speak the native language of the country where they will be teaching, it is not necessary.

12. What are my out-of-pocket expenses?
AIFS provides a travel and housing stipend for faculty teaching abroad. However, the stipend may not cover the full cost of housing, especially in those foreign cities with a high cost of living. In this instance, the faculty member is responsible for covering the remainder of his/her housing costs. Food and all other expenses while abroad are the faculty member’s responsibility.

Faculty may get to participate in AIFS-sponsored cultural events and field trips for free. Depending on the location, faculty might also receive a local cell phone, free library card, museum pass, and/or a pass for public transportation.

13. Will I be provided with any logistical support regarding living arrangements while abroad?
Yes. AIFS will either find you a place to live or will assist you if you decide to make your own arrangements. Ultimately the type of living accommodations for faculty will vary by location and faculty preference.

14. Is it possible to bring my family with me?
Absolutely, but AIFS provides a travel and housing stipend for the faculty member’s expenses only. AIFS is happy to make arrangements for your family, but the faculty member is responsible for reimbursing AIFS.

15. Will I maintain my current health benefits?
Yes. SRJC covers you fully; however, if you need medical treatment while abroad you might have to pay up front and then be reimbursed. It is recommended that you check with your health provider prior to your departure to clarify their policies for medical treatment while abroad.

16. Will teaching Study Abroad affect my STEP placement?
No, teaching abroad will not affect your STEP placement.

17. Do I have to worry about FLEX obligations while I am abroad?
Currently you do not have to worry about your FLEX obligations while you are abroad (no flex obligation during summer semester).

18. What are my responsibilities outside of teaching?
Faculty must coordinate with their fellow study abroad instructors from other community colleges ahead of time to prepare the curriculum and grading rubric for the Life and Culture class. Additionally faculty often are expected to provide moral and emotional support for students while abroad (fall and spring semesters only).

19. What are teaching facilities like?
Teaching facilities vary by location, and can range from very basic (i.e. no media support) to fully-equipped classrooms. Faculty are apprised of the specific classroom arrangements prior to departure.

20. What happens to my classes at the JC while I am abroad?
A full time temporary replacement may be hired or your classes may be divided among a few different instructors.

21. Does grading work the same abroad as it does at the JC?
Yes. In order to maintain the appropriate number of units and the integrity of our courses, grading must be exactly the same abroad as at home.

22. Will I have weekends and evenings free?
Sometimes. Often, Life and Culture classes are scheduled during these times, so as not to conflict with regular classes. Additionally, field trips, events, excursions and/or guest speakers may also occur during these times (fall and spring semesters only).


See the How to Recruit Students for SRJC’s Study Abroad Program (PDF)